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I've made it a habit on this trip of wearing the nose any time I sleep in public. It's my concept behind "Apathetic Performance Art." Anything that adds to the artistic nature of the world using as little energy as possible. The nose comes in very handy for this purpose. So I wear it when I sleep. And walk through strange towns. And go through customs. And when I'm with someone and we'
We camped next to Sillbury Hill: England's largest manmade mound (It's more impressive than it sounds). Those little specks in the right corner are people. The top of the hill was closed off, but we ran into Mick and Jewels, an affable pair of hippy smugglers, who convinced us to hop the fence and journey to the top. The journey was worth the possible extradition for violation of a national monument...
I watched this statue in Bath interact briefly with various passerbys who gave him money. Then I slipped on the clown nose and gave him a British Pound. At first I thought he wasn't going to do anything, so I walked away. Then he beckoned me back over and shook my hand. And wouldn't let go. It wasn't a strong grip, just a confident one, and a look that said "I could hold this as long as I want." He just kept staring at me with our hands connected.
So I played with the improv possibilities of being stuck there (gnawing off my hand, pushing against the wall with my feet, etc). Then I finally ran out of possibilities. And he still held on. And he still held on. It wasn't until I really knew he'd had control over the situation when he let go.
Amsterdam was a wonderful adventure. Two of our bikes were stolen the first day, while 3 out of 4 of us were on mushrooms. That didn't stop me from falling in love with the city.Amsterdam's liberal acceptance of drugs and sex was incredibly refreshing. It's a beautful town, and what's more, the people are GORGEOUS!!!!!
Once I get the wanderlust out of my system, I'm setting up a home in Amsterdam...
We stayed for two weeks at Walter's brother's home in Vigonovo, Italy. The picture is of Walter and me passing torches around a The family's hospitality was great, and the neighborhood was beautiful. But it was unsettling because we were right next to an American Air Force base, and the entire area was Americanized. So though I spent two weeks in Italy, I didn't really see the actual country, just a strange Americanized translation....
More pictures will be posted as the journey continues....
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